
Germany and "Going All the Way"

There is something very exciting about being here during what seems like a turning point for this country. The Germans, especially Berliners, are a skiddish about displays of national pride, as my ex-boyfriend was about kissing in public. extremely.
This is not because they don't want to - it's just thePast has made them feel guilty about it - the same way my ex's mother probably made him feel about PDA. So when I see Germans in the streets and in their cars and on their balconies with flags - I will tell you it does make me feel so happy for them.

With the World Cup being played here in Germany and the team doing exceptionally well this time around this country has been able to come out and show off the Black Red and Gold without shame - as well as earn some extra revenue. Now the team is currently in the eighth finale - if they were to really go all the way and win the whole thing I can't imagine what kind of national holiday/riot/explotion would happen here in the capital.

This city is so poor and so in need of attention from the government it is truly upseting. A lot of people receive federal paychecks, (welfare essentially,) but as always there are people who don't get enough as well as those who shouldn't be taking advantage of it. After the reunification the West has had to foot the bill so that their brothers could crawl out of the whole that was communisim in the East. Now the West is pissed, feeling that they are footing too much of the bill not just for the East but for the EU as well. 'We can only be taxed so much' is the general consencious - and yet the reality is, some one must pay.

So is the way with everything. I have noticed that the largest examples can always somehow be related to the smallest happenings. A country get's their first victory in at least twenty years, ( I'd say the wall falling is still number one in the books here,) and a poor German girl concures her fear of seeing a docter for the worst reasons anyone would need to go.

See the problem with going all the way is that you have to be able to pay for it.

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