
The Month of February.

As written by Yahoo.com horoscope:

With this month, it's time for you to move beyond a few old habits that have been obstructing your romantic views. Has pessimism been poisoning your perspective, when it comes to romance? Has negativity negated some of your more loving impulses? Are you slightly insecure? Or do you find partners who are insecure and have trouble letting you into their hearts? The 1st and 2nd, it's time to really look at this stuff. Go ahead and keep thinking about it the 3rd and 4th, and by the 5th, 6th and 7th, you'll be in a good spot to make some kind of change. Whether it's a loud change -- like making up or breaking up -- or a quieter change, like shifting your own ideas a little bit, it will have a major impact down the line. The 13th, take a break from all this hard emotional work. Why not go for a jog on the beach? The 17th, check in with a parental figure -- they could have some good advice. By the 24th, you're probably ready to ask them out. Go for it. End the month, the 28th, with something new.

As written by June herself:

Being a cancer is horrible. I'm emotional, sensitive, moody, guarded, bitchy, and difficult to keep up with. This is why at the beginning of the month there were four different 'contenders in the running', but I wasn't looking for a valentines date. I was fine on my own with the occasional free drink supplied by a date that we both knew would go nowhere. Unfortunately someone wound up walking into the bar and tricking me into two weeks of a good time and one of complete confusion and frustration. So now, after realizing how happy I was before the mess I woke up with today I simply want to forget that February ever happened. Let's delete the month. Let's look at March as a longer February do over...

This is what I ask of March, that is doesn't try to act like this:

The 2nd, 3rd and 4th, you could feel like a vaudeville performer who's just gotten out of their straitjacket while locked in a tank full of water using a tiny golden key and their teeth. When it comes to romance, it's like you've emerged, beaming, before an admiring audience as the month starts. Yep, some problem that had been holding you back has just resolved itself, thanks to your nimble underwater moves and clever thinking. Go ahead and take a well-deserved bow -- then the rush to the telephone and call up the object of your romantic attentions right away. The 9th, a whole new, straightjacket-less romantic phase could be starting for you. The 13th, rest up from all these shenanigans. By the 18th, you're ready to examine why you were wearing a romantic straightjacket and getting yourself locked up in a tank filled with water in the first place. The 23rd and 24th, a little self-exploration will go a long way toward helping you understand how you are -- and why you are how you are. The 30th, try accepting something for what it is -- this, you know, can be very romantic!

and instead be filled with a less bullshit.