
Dr.Pong and HouseBugs.

It's been raining again the past few days here which upset me. Only because Ic an't wear sandels without fear of slipping and really hurting myself on the cobbelstones and crappy pavement here.

In between rainshowers I found this place called Dr. Pong with a friend of mine last night. It is this abandoned looking whole in the wall on Kastanine Alle in Prenzelberg. The minute you enter the door there is a burst of smoke and partynoise. People are everywhere and on this particular night there had gathered a ring of German men around the large ping pong table in the center of the first room. They moved in a circle around the table attempting to keep the ball moving back and forth. It didn't really work. I squeezed through the massive crowd over the the next room with a DJ that was the lone dancer to his music. I mentioned to my friend that it's like laughing at your own joke - kinda funny but really more sad then anything. A Becks cost $2.50 which really pissed me off but I bet a mixed drink is in between 4 and 6 euro. A shame really. They are making all that money off of drinks and don't put any of that revenue into the building. It seems though to be very chic to look like a squatter here. When the buildings are renevated I admit they do loose some of their charm or history. But for crying out loud, when the floor starts coming up from underneith you or the ceiling falls from above you, there is a problem.

Oh no, Miami's pet just dead I need to help him through this rough time. As well as explain to him that your garden variety house bug doesn't probably even know it is alive let alone feel death's a comin'.


gnarly nanny said...

that's funny- we played ping pong randomly at some house party last night- it's a fun game !

june said...

i enjoy just sitting back with a beer and watchin those sexy germans...