
The Weekend and the Week

Dresden was beautiful, but the five hour tour all over the entire city only to be abandoned by our tour guide to get home on our own was less then fun. Me and the thirteen other international students sought shelter from a horrible storm in a beer garden with no inside to speak of. Instead we all huddled with our drinks under an umbrella and in both broken English and German attempted to learn more about one another. That night we all managed to find a bar on the other side of Dresden from the hostel and get massivly wasted while squished into the back corner of a cramped table. Afterwords I took a nice long walk over to the hostel with some French guy so that we might enjoy a ciggerette together.

The next day consisted of a great breakfast with OhMichigan! some art and crown jewels, and the Church of Our Lady, (FrauenKirche,) and me sleeping from 9pm until the next morning in a very comfy bed.

The porcelin factory, the trip home, then sushi with a German and great beer.

End Scene.

Today: more work, and trouble with a Killer.

Consider yourself updated America.

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