
The Wait

So I emailed myKiller in April, and he has yet to get back to me. I've checked my gmail in agony for two and a half weeks now and have as of today stopped checking.

I hate that I did this to myself.

Otherwise school has been phenomenal. I am in love with lithography and have been in the studio constantly in order to finish a very intricate stone which I am excited about printing.
I have been out with friends, running around Berlin at all hours of the night - only to come home to a very comfy if not slightly chilly apartment.
I make breakfast in my underware, I take showers with the window open and the curtain's drawn, I obsessivly clean everything all the time. I sing along to the radio and I sleep in until 3pm when I feel the need to. I love living on my own.

This weekend is Dresden, hopefully a nice weekend of travel will draw theKiller from the back of my mind. He needs to go home.


gnarly nanny said...

things sound good! (aside from killer business... good luck w/ that)

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.