
This Morning,

I woke up and instantly checked my email. It was Christmas in July as I found my father had sent this old picture of theKiller and I from January\February of this year. I thought immediatly how those glasses I'm wearing there are now in some dump off the coast of New Jersey having broken soon after this picture. The coat I have on is now quite stained and worn out having been exposed to too many college keg parties and late nights in filthy art studios. And theKiller and I don't stand as close to one another anymore. Literaly, and otherwise.

After all of these thoughts, I looked at the clock and lept out of bed into what feels like the hottest day to date here in Berlin. No matter how many showers I take, I'm still sweating through my white T-Shirt on the M5 heading towards the S-Bahnhof at Alex. After climbing on to the train and schleping it to the Uni I find solice in the litho studio.
The large potato resembling German man who helps me print is cheerful and ready to get going as usual. It's sad actually that this was my last day and that next week I must go around and collect my prints, get my signatures and dissapear like so many other exchange students do every semester.

I'd like to think I made some kind of impression here, but that is very unlikly. I didn't use the studio space here, and I never really came to a lot of classes. Instead, I have been taking these past four months to search inside this city, and let it to change me. Mind you I have been working, just not the way I usually do, and I can tell already that my work is shifting in a direction I never thought it would.

The rest of my day will be spent putting things in order around the apartment, showering, (again,) and attempting to avoid putting together my presentation for next weeks final art history class. There might be some grocery shopping in there as well but seeing as it is already past five I doubt it.


Wyndham said...

Intimidating looking feller, with a pleasant nickname to boot. Thanks for the link, June!

Nanny said...

I love this photo, you look fabulous. I want that sexy demire look sthat looks like youhave a secret, but wont be sharing it!