
thatMurderer! and Old Paintings/Wine

Everytime I talk to theKiller I'm 15 years old: feeling ugly, fat, and stupid whilst standing next to a pretty blond idiot.
And all we talk about is the general goings on. (!!!) This is the ultimate girl thing to think and feel, and I see this. Doesn't mean I can't stop feeling it unfortunatly. More unfortunatly I have spent most of my time on this blog whining about it.

This feeling aside, today was the second day of family in Berlin. Mother, Brother, and June, walking around MuseumInsel.

We bought fabulous hats, (I am the RedBarron!) and gave bread to homeless people. We saw oldEgyptianGreekRoman shit, and gazed upon Monet, Manet, Renoir, Degas, + all their other Impressionist friends. Casper D. Freidrich didn't know what hit him... There were other famous German painters featured as well, but for further info one needs to come here and hit up the galleries.

Post-Culturetime was spent walking towards the Weinerei on Fehrberliner Strasse near Kastanian Alle for good wine, pleasent food, and even better weather, (thank God.)

In other news, I still haven't worn a shirt that reveals the two awful secrets on my arm and chest. I feel compelled to hide it from my poor mother as if I were five again and am still scared of mommydearest. (I am not comparing my mother to the real MommyDearest, but every mother has that boiling point that every child fears.) I can't even type about it now, I feel so horrible. Not just for hiding, but for possibly dissapointing Mother with something that I have wanted secretly for ages...

I'm the worst daughter in the world.

On that note, I'm going to bed early.

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