
Day One: Travel

I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. Instead, after re-packing for the 10th time and dicking around on the computer for hours I enjoyed chatting with theKiller and myMilkMaid about local drama and my travel worries. Just a bit nervous...

It's just me, my old but trusty PowerBookG4, and DirectTV until about 7 or 8 am when my family and I pack everything into the Tahoe and make tracks to Dulles. I fly first to Heathrow and then to Teagle in Berlin. From there, I plan to find my new apartment and hopefully unpack in enough time to go enjoy my first legally purchased vodka tonic at the local German version of a hole in the wall.

I am already tallying the things I will miss:

20+ episodes of Law and Order every day.


All the ladies and gents that are kind enough to hang out with me here in VA.

My little crappy bedroom/attic/hole above my parents garage.

Manning that sexy V-8 engine known as the Tahoe.

My library.

Believe me there is more, I just haven't started missing it yet.

1 comment:

kireipnai said...

aww, dont fret. there'll probably be a lot more things worth while in the place you're going off to.
when traveling brings u upside down, you know what to do?..
you...Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming ^_^ [better yet. just keep writing.]