
There is Nothing Wrong with Nothing.

I really shouldn't judge anyone. The only person who can truly judge is the one you meet at those big gates in the sky right? I hate the fact that I can get on my high horse and become bothered by things that really shouldn't bother me.
Today I have sat on my ass and done a whole lot of nothing, and how could I say anything against anyone who has done the same thing but differently? Anyway, I must say I should apologize for judging people's habits, and I know that my disdain for said habits truly comes from the prolonged exposure to the X-Factor. Unfortunately he actually has disturbed my ability to be accepting.

In other news:

Sitting this afternoon and watching Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil has been a treat except for the fact that my parents house is disgustingly unorganized.
Pillows and blankets all over the living room that is also stuffed with magazines, old jewelry, parts of an inheritance, old crafts from my mothers ill fated project binges, dog toys, baskets of clean laundry that needs to be put away, and tons of books - everywhere. I just want to throw things into boxes and airlift half of this crap out of here.
My childhood was spent accumulating things that this family doesn’t need and now that we are on a hot streak for buying even more shit my family has come to find that we have no place to put any of it. So things are piled on top of each other and shoved together like a jumbled Tetris puzzle.
There is no real point to my rattling on, I’m just tired, a bit bored, and not really reaching any kind of end.

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