
There is nothing wrong with Love.

I am watching Carlito's way and drinking a Foster's while debating last night's episode of 'Big Love' with Dad and youngest Brother. 

Even though I am enjoying myself I can't help but think that this is not all there is. Doesn't matter where i go or what I am doing. Even when having sex I thing about how it never lasts.  I reiterate that feeling by planning out my schedule for the next three semesters. It is comforting. At least I am pretending to know where I am going.

Work today was work. I blazed through everything I needed to do and then some. The last hour and a half I just fucked around re-organizing files and being frustrated with theKiller.

Since boys like to sit on fences and pick and choose the greener side as often as they like. Why do I worry?

I will tell let myself finish this beer and not worry. After one more I won't care about anything at all really. Just sleep. Sleep and brushing my teeth. Sleep, brushing my teeth, and my future. 


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