

of men make up the population of the George Mason University Law School. Only 40% women. When you click on the link labeled diversity, it shows about 5-10 pictures of all older black men. what a narrow view of diversity.

I was thinking about law school and decided against it because of the George Mason website. I don't need to attempt to prove myself to men. In fact I am over it.

Sitting at the bar at Max and Erma's, I was sandwiched inbetween two male co-workers enjoying their company and my cheese fries. It wasn't until we were on our way home when they both did some little secret signal to refer to some girl's ass that I was annoyed. only because i still feel that women can't enjoy the parts of sex and sexual attraction that men can. we have too much responsibility not to wind up in the drugstore or doctor's office when we're late. I personally struggle too often with the pleasure and consequences of sex - where nothing seems to have any kind of guarantee.

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