

So St. Patty's was uneventful.
Really, this whole weekend even though I accomplished a good amount of tasks, it was very uneventful. No one was really worked up or in the mood for anything. Weird.

Last night after coloring, playing with make-up and fighting over whether or not one is too tired to brush one's teeth - I put LittleRed to sleep, got my $25 payment, and walked down Shirley Ave. toward the Naro. I figured that Red Dog was better then noplace to sit and trytoread/wait for 10:30. I got my favorite waitress, a drink, and a drunk Austrian who wanted to give me a tour of Berlin using my guidebook I had happen to be glancing through. After Guy#1 came and sat with me for a whole 20min we had had enough of our cell phones and very casual conversation. I decided to find theKiller over at the Naro. I found him, and a slew of other people who I had planned and not planned on seeing. I am awesome at getting though what I feel is a very uncomfortable social situation, (anyone else could be completely comfortable,) by just telling myself over and over to get over it, whatever, smoke a cigarette, and chill the fuck out. Well, Jesus is Magic wasn't enough to keep me from feeling cramped and anxious sitting amonst friends and otherwise. I had to get out of there and smoke.

I woke up this morning wrapped up intheKiller's arms - listening to his heartbeat rather quickly in his chest, especially for being at rest.


gnarly nanny said...

you saw jesus is magic??? was it awesome!??!

gnarly nanny said...

you saw jesus is magic??? was it awesome!??!