
The Birthday?

I should be more excited for the vacation. Instead, I sit in front of my best friend, (PowerBook,) and worry over things that I cannot control for the next few days - (the fact that I can't work, can't really spend a lot of money, and can't speak a lick of French.) All these are slightly random I guess but it's late... I'm tired.

Mind you, at nearly four o'clock in the morning on a national holiday there is nothing to do other than continue to listen to the same sad DeVotchKa songs and watching a muted episode of Dawson's Creek on one of the few basic cable channels offered through our humble Comcast subscription.

Happy B-day USA...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to U(SA) indeed, or Joyeux Anniversaire, if you prefer, but why do you need to speak French right now?

june said...

because it sounds 'sexy' on a girl with dark hair like myself - (this is what i'm told at least,) and i need that right now i guess.