
Once Again.

Like a child I have stubbled through this semester from one weekend to the next waiting for nothing to happen. Of course everything has happened - everything has changed.
A year ago I was in a relationship with someone I thought I loved and who I also thought loved me as well. I was torn about school I was even more torn about life and thought I knew what I wanted I just didn't know how to get it.
Now, I have no clue what I want. I have no idea how to get nothing other than by doing nothing. I can't jut stay still though... so what exactly am I supposed to do? Well for the past few months I have been working on the day to day thing. Just trying to make it through each class, each hour, each second of every day helps. Makes life a bit better actually.

Now, almost a year later I am continuing just that. School, Work, Studio, Work, School, Party, Boy, Work, Party, Studio. And now it is the end of the semester
and I need to start really gearing up, for something...

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