
When It Drizzles It Never Stops.

This weekend is nothing but a party and a bad hangover. The weather sucks so what else is there to do then hole up and drink oneself into a stupor? Thank you tropical depression leftovers. The best part is being in a crowded fraternity on campus and falling whilst evacuating during a poorly timed fire alarm.

The city is the same as I left it. Just as depressed as ever and just as over run by stumbling college aged assholes. It's gotten colder fast without any sign of letting up. I'm enjoying myself mind you but I know what to expect each and every day I wake up in this god forsaken city. Smoke a cig, have a beer, hang out in my pj's and attempt to be witty. This week though, is the week everything really starts to pick up. The party will die down to nothing and the studying, stressing, and art making will pick up.

We art senior's had our art studio draw and I wound up in studio number one - with no complaints. I'm just happy I have a corner sans assholes.

Otherwise, I have been listening to an excess of Dresden Dolls and waiting for someone from VA to call. Nothing special really.

"Dear Mr. and/or Mrs. Sender-
We're pleased to inform you that your applications been accepted
Starting from the time you get this letter
Your life will be one never-ending
"hope you're feeling better"
You get your choice of an aesthetic
We'll need to chop your clock off (tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock)
It might not be what you expected
There is no money back once you've been ripped off..."

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