
To Motivate.

So it begins.

This week, the real deal has set in over campus. Kids are refusing to leave dorms because of the little voice that nags at the back of our heads screaming deadlines.

Monday first painting due but not before the meeting with my professor, Tuesday is the crit on the two squares - plus the first homework of Abnormal Psych is due. Then there are the two days I work from 6pm until 2am - and the mini exam the following week where I haven't read a single part of the book for... The list goes on and on. The voice gets more and more persistent.

Today instead of appeasing the voice I fucked around. But the fact is the voice didn't reach me until about right now - at a little after two in the morning on a Saturday night. After grocery shopping, painting, movie watching, more painting, and drawing. I've gotten enough done, but it isn't about that. The voice makes you feel as if you are walking through quick sand and you can't finish anything even though there is enough time for all of it. I freak, and refuse to move - refuse to work - I can't concentrate - all I can think or feel is fear of failure. Yet I will fail if I don't work.

Let's stop procrastinating.

1 comment:

gnarly nanny said...

crazy as it might sound, i miss those days.