
the October D.C. Trip and Oakland Mornings.

Me and two friends will be departing at about two o'clock in the afternoon Eastern Standard Time, in order to go to the much anticipated Dresden Dolls concert. Let me just say now, I couldn't be more excited to travel right now.

In other news the city is getting colder everyday. Scarves, hats, and gloves are being pulled out of the back of closets once again, and the threat of snow come with just about every forecast. The mornings are still the best time of day though, simply because the chill is not too bad - yet. Students and professionals alike are power walking down Forbes and Fifth Ave. in sweatshirts and blazers still, and the panhandlers aren't starting to buy coffee with their daily collection. It's nice to watch the delivery trucks squeeze into side streets and block traffic with ramps while cars and buses aggressively maneuver towards a final destination without having to plow through snow. The smell of the streets has gotten better as well with the cold coming in. You don't inhale the McDonald's before spotting it, newly renovated, next to Fedex-Kinko's. The morning is the best time to mill around Oakland.

I picked up my prescriptions, got some coffee at the Panera a block away from the Rite Aid, and caught the 67F to Trafford back to Craig St. and Forbes Ave.


Anonymous said...


jane bliss said...

June June-

The Dresden Dolls are awesome!!!!!

How was the show? I'm sure that it was worth the trippy trip?

They come to SF a few times a year and I always miss them by one day= but next time for sho!

keep up!
